最近在網路上看很多鄉民都很推薦[美國直購] Sennheiser PXC 550 耳罩式 耳機 Bluetooth Headphone
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Bluetooth 4.2 wireless technology in an ergonomically designed lightweight, comfortable and collapsible travel headset perfect for travel.
NoiseGard adaptive noise cancellation ensures superior sound quality in every environment.
Intuitive user control and convenience thanks for voice prompts, touch controls, NFC pairing, smart pause and automatic on/off.
Triple microphone array delivers business class communications with exceptional vocal clarity.
Sennheiser sound signature quality with selective sound modes to enhance the listening experience.
Technical Details
Brand Name: Sennheiser
Product Description
TRANSFORM YOUR JOURNEY - UPGRADE TO FIRST CLASS. Upgrade to the luxurious new PXC 550 Wireless headphones from Sennheiser. Designed specifically for frequent travelers, the PXC 550 Wireless deliver exceptional sound quality with adaptive noise cancellation in a stylish and foldable headset. No matter the surroundings, Sennheiser NoiseGard quiets the environment to ensure uninterrupted listening. Staying connected is now even easier using this Bluetooth enabled device. It provides unrivaled speech clarity during calls thanks to the headsets triple microphone array. Additional user control and sound personalization is available via Sennheiser' s CapTune, a free downloadable app that compliments this truly smart headset. Exceptional battery performance means the PXC 550 Wireless can travel from London to Hong Kong and back on single charge, even with adaptive cancellation engaged, while ergonomic design makes even long listening sessions supremely comfortable.
Product Information
Product Dimensions 5.9 x 3.1 x 7.9 inches
Item Weight 7.8 ounces
Shipping Weight 1.7 pounds
Item model number PXC 550 Wireless
Batteries 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required.

[美國直購] Sennheiser PXC 550 耳罩式 耳機 Bluetooth Headphone 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
蘋果 (AAPL-US) 的股價近期深陷泥淖之中,過去半年下滑了 10%,比標普 500 的下滑 1% 差上許多,根據一位交易員表示,蘋果明年的股價恐怕還是面對巨大的壓力。
交易員 Andrew Keene 表示,蘋果過去曾經有很不錯的表現,但現在差不多是該獲利了結了,蘋果的股價近期實在是找不到買進的時機點,也沒有真的值得買進的理由。
Keene 補充道,蘋果在七月達到歷史股價高點,就一直無法突破 120 美元的大關,一直衝不過去股價就只剩下往下跌的方向可以去了,技術分析上來看,蘋果的線圖也呈現了雙頂的態勢,接下來下行的可能性很高。
Keene 認為投資人若是同樣看空蘋果的股價,可以到選擇權市場進行放空的布局。
但華爾街普遍的看法與 Keene 相左,認為蘋果的股價還有 25% 的上漲空間,目標價為 146.52 美元。
『新聞來源/鉅亨網 』
西甲17輪,豪門巴塞隆納作客同為前段班的勁旅比亞雷亞爾,於下半場50分鐘率先遭到「黃色潛艇」反擊破門,0:1落後一直維持到將近完場,終於在90分鐘靠著球星Lionel Messi踢進救命自由球,驚險1:1打平。
50分鐘,比亞雷亞爾發動快速反擊,Alexandre Pato拿球後加速狂奔,吸引了防守目光後於禁區外中路右交前場搭檔Nicola Sansone,這位25歲義大利國腳把握住機會,剛入禁區內一步便直接起腳斜射球門左下死角,幫助主隊1:0開門。
89分鐘,比亞雷亞爾中場Samu Castillejo在中路禁區外對Messi犯規,巴薩獲得直接自由球,在對方門將靠左防守的情況下,操刀的Messi「黃金左腳」仍是朝左側爆射,皮球高速旋轉朝球門左上死角飛去,擦中橫樑下方彈進形成追平球。
比亞雷亞爾後衛Jaume Costa在傷停補時90+4分鐘因嚴重犯規領到單場第2張黃牌,兩黃轉一紅遭到驅逐,但比賽時間所剩無幾,因此對賽果並無造成影響,比數1:1凍結,雙方各取1積分。
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